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Crisis Management Reimagined with Media Monitoring: Learning From Bea Cukai Case

Crisis Management Reimagined with Media Monitoring: Learning From Bea Cukai Case

Crisis Management takes center stage in our exploration of the Bea Cukai case. Uncover how prominent institution like Bea Cukai could used media monitoring to navigate through turbulent times, transforming potential disasters into opportunities for growth and learning.

Navigating the turbulent waters of public opinion & crisis management is a challenge faced by organizations & institutions worldwide. The Directorate General of Customs & Excise, better known as Bea Cukai, has been dealing with this reality, embroiled in multiple controversies. From allegations of unfriendly staff to the taxation of trophies and a far-reaching gold scandal with Antam. Over the last few months, the topic “Bea Cukai” has generated more than 1.2 million discussions, a sign of its significance in the public discourse. 

To effectively handle such a crisis, institutions like Bea Cukai must engage in robust media monitoring and utilize cutting-edge social media analytic tool to drive crisis management.

Understanding The Crisis Timeline

Bea Cukai has been center stage in a series of contentious incidents. On March 28, news of the destruction of illegally imported secondhand clothes was shared on Instagram by @jktinfo, gaining 19.5k engagements. This event raised several ethical and logistical questions, leading to increased scrutiny of Bea Cukai’s import control procedures.

Then on May 20, the public’s attention was drawn to a comparison between Bea Cukai’s Rafael Alun case that was repeated by Head of Banten City Health Department. This news, shared by @lambe_turah on Instagram, amassed an impressive 99k engagements, further magnifying the issues surrounding Bea Cukai.

Key Players & The Role of Social Media

Social media platforms have been instrumental in shaping public opinion about Bea Cukai. On Twitter, #99 (@partaisocmed) consistently reported on the developments surrounding Bea Cukai’s cases involving Rafael Alun, Andhi Pramono, and the Antam gold scandal. Their coverage resonated with the public, as evidenced by the 40.1k likes received.

On Instagram, INDOZONE ( played a significant role in reporting on the Bea Cukai crisis, garnering a total of 155k likes. TikTok also featured discussions about Bea Cukai through CNN Indonesia (@cnnindonesia), introducing the issues to a younger audience and gaining 2.2k likes.

Bea Cukai: Yay or Nay?

Utilizing social media analytic tool allows for a near accurate gauge of public sentiment. Currently, the sentiment towards Bea Cukai stands at 55.5% positive, 20.58% neutral, and a concerning 23.92% negative. Dominating the conversation are allegations of corruption and gratification, with 5k mentions; while 1.1k mentions associate Bea Cukai with slow service, difficult procedures, and suspicion of seeking unofficial financial gains.

Implications & The Call for Transparency

Public sentiment trends are forcing Sri Mulyani to take a closer look at the operations of the Ministry of Finance to prevent further instances of corruption and bribery. Additionally, there is a resounding call for increased transparency in LHKPN for government officials, particularly within the Ministry of Finance.

Harnessing Media Monitoring for Crisis Management

This unfolding situation at Bea Cukai and Ministry of Finance serves as a prime example of why organizations & institutions must proactively engage in crisis management through media monitoring and social media tool. Such tool like dataxet:sonar’s DXT:360 Integrated Platform, offers critical insights into public perception, enable timely tracking of crises, and facilitate the development of effective mitigation strategies.

In times of crisis, identifying emerging trends and public sentiment in near real-time allows for the swift implementation of remedial measures. Moreover, by understanding patterns, organizations can predict potential crises, leading to more proactive, rather than reactive, strategies.

Turning a Crisis into an Opportunity

In the face of crisis, understanding the public’s sentiment and opinion becomes an invaluable tool. By effectively monitoring and analyzing this sentiment through social media, organizations can not only weather the storm but emerge with a stronger, more transparent image.

If you’re seeking to better understand public perception of your organization, or if you’re interested in developing a robust crisis management strategy, we offer premier solutions. Contact us today to gain control over your organization’s public image, manage crises effectively, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth.

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