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9 Important Things about Digital Media Monitoring in Indonesia

9 Important Things about Digital Media Monitoring in Indonesia

Don't get it wrong, here are 9 things that are very important and you must know for your business before conducting digital media monitoring in Indonesia.

Digital media monitoring is the process of tracking and analyzing online content, such as news articles, social media posts, and online forums, to gain insight into public opinion and sentiment. In the modern world, where people rely more and more on digital channels to communicate and access information, media monitoring has become a valuable tool for an organization or business, even the government to understand public perceptions of its brands, products and services.

Purpose of Conducting Media Monitoring

Purpose of Conducting Media Monitoring​

One of the main goals of media monitoring is to track the online reputation of a brand. This can help find out how people perceive the brand, what people are saying about it, and what impact it can have on its target audience. This information can be used to address negative comments or feedback so he can improve and increase his reputation again. Brands can also use this information to improve customer service and respond to customers more effectively.

Digital media monitoring can also be used to track business competitors from certain brands. The brand can monitor the online presence of its business competitors and know what to do, what strategies can be used, and what can be given to its target audience to improve its online reputation. This information can be used to improve brand strategy to stay ahead of business competition.

Who Uses Media Monitoring?

Who Uses Media Monitoring

Digital media monitoring is an important aspect of any business or organization. Then, who should be responsible for media monitoring? Here are some of the key players who should be involved in this process:

  1. Marketing Department: Digital media monitoring is very important for a company’s marketing efforts. The marketing department needs to track what is being said about its business, its competitors, and the latest industry trends to stay ahead of the competition.
  2. Public Relations Department: Digital media monitoring is essential for PR professionals who need to quickly respond to negative press. They can use this information to solve any problem so that they can improve their company’s reputation again.
  3. Social Media Management Team: Digital media monitoring is very important for organizations that want to exist on social media. They need to track what their audience is saying about their brand on social media, respond to customer inquiries, and respond to negative feedback received.
  4. Customer Service Team: Digital media monitoring is also important for customer service or customer support teams, who need to respond quickly to customer complaints or issues. They can use this information to resolve any issues and improve the customer experience.
  5. Executive Team: Digital media monitoring is essential for executive teams who need to have a clear understanding of what the public is saying about their company online. This information can be used to make important decisions for the future of the company.

Types of Media Monitoring in Indonesia

Types of Media Monitoring in Indonesia

There are several types of digital media monitoring Indonesia that serve a variety of purposes and industries:

  1. Social Media Monitoring: Tracking and analyzing social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on, to gather insights into online conversations about specific brands, companies, products, services or topics.
  2. Reputation Management: Assisting companies in monitoring and controlling online conversations around their business. Companies can track mentions of their brand and competitors across multiple channels, providing valuable insights into what the public is saying about it and how to respond.
  3. Competitive Intelligence: Tracking and analyzing the online presence of competitors from a particular company or brand. This type of monitoring provides valuable insight into a brand’s competitive performance, strengths, and weaknesses.
  4. News Monitoring: Track and analyze news articles, blogs, and other online sources to gather insights on specific brands, industries, or topics. This type of monitoring helps companies and organizations stay up to date with the latest news and developments in their brand industry.
  5. Influencer Monitoring: Tracking and analyzing the online presence of various key influencers in certain industries. This type of monitoring can assist companies and organizations in identifying and engaging with key influencers who can help promote their brand, product or service.
  6. Sentiment Analysis
    : Sentiment analysis is a type of digital media monitoring that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the tone and sentiment of online conversations around a particular brand, product or topic. This type of monitoring provides valuable insight into the perception of the brand and its products circulating among the public.

Benefits of Media Monitoring for Business

Benefits of Media Monitoring for Business

Here are some of the benefits of digital media monitoring for business:

  1. Reputation Management: Digital media monitoring allows companies to track what the public is saying about their brand or business online. This helps companies proactively deal with negative comments and protect their reputation before they become problems.
  2. Competitive Intelligence: Monitoring what business competitors are doing online can provide valuable insights about the business strategy that will be carried out and help companies stay ahead of the competition. This can include tracking the social media presence, marketing campaigns and online reputation of business competitors.
  3. Customer Insight: Digital media monitoring can provide valuable insight into what the audience is saying about a company’s products or services. This can help him identify areas that need improvement and respond to customer needs and concerns in real-time.
  4. Real-time Awareness: A digital media monitoring tool that allows companies to track online activities in real-time, giving them the ability to respond quickly to any issues or opportunities that arise. This can help companies to stay ahead of the competition and avoid negative events.
  5. Cost-effective: Traditional market research certainly takes a lot of time and costs, but digital media monitoring provides a more affordable and efficient alternative. With the right tools, companies can monitor anything about their business, competitors, and trends in their industry easily and at a lower cost.

Media Monitoring Features

Media Monitoring Features

Some of the important features of digital media monitoring tools that every business must have, include:

  1. Real-time monitoring: The ability to monitor brand mentions in real-time is very important for a company so that they can respond to negative comments or resolve customer complaints promptly. These features help companies stay ahead of troubleshooting and protect their online reputation.
  2. Social media monitoring: Social media monitoring is an important aspect of digital media monitoring as it can help companies track mentions of their brand on popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on.
  3. Sentiment Analysis
    : Sentiment analysis is a feature that helps a company determine the tone of a particular post or comment about it. This feature can be used to identify negative comments or reviews, as well as to track customer feedback and positive mentions.
  4. Keyword monitoring: Monitoring keywords or keywords allows companies to track specific keywords related to their brand or industry. This feature helps companies track their online reputation and identify potential problems.
  5. Alerts and notifications: Alerts and notifications help companies stay informed about new mentions about their brand in real-time. This feature helps companies quickly respond to negative comments or resolve customer complaints.
  6. Custom reporting: Custom reporting is a feature that allows companies to create reports based on certain needs. This feature can help him track his online reputation, monitor his business competitors, and identify trends and patterns that are circulating.

Media Monitoring Workflow

Media Monitoring Workflow

The following are the five stages of digital media monitoring:

  1. Setting Goals: In this stage, the company determines the goals and objectives of digital media monitoring activities. This could include tracking brand mentions, monitoring competitor activity or analyzing customer sentiment.
  2. Data Collection: At this stage, relevant data is collected from various online sources, including social media, blogs, forums and news websites. Tools such as social media monitoring software and Google Alerts can be used to automate the data collection process.
  3. Data Analysis: The data that has been collected is then analyzed to gain insight and valuable information. This data can be in the form of sentiment analysis, keyword analysis, and trend analysis. The insights collected at this stage can be used by the company to make strategic decisions and actions that can be taken next.
  4. Reporting: In this stage, the results of data analysis are presented in a clear and concise manner. Reports can be presented in the form of charts, graphs, and dashboards, and can be customized to meet company needs.
  5. Action and Response: The last stage involves taking action based on the insights obtained from the previous stage. These actions include responding to negative mentions, addressing customer complaints, or modifying marketing strategies based on customer sentiment analysis.

Indonesian Top Tier Companies That Have Used Media Monitoring

Indonesian Top Tier Companies That Have Used Media Monitoring

Digital media monitoring has become an important requirement for large companies in Indonesia. Several giant companies that use digital media monitoring from dataxet:sonar include:

  • Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)
  • MRT Jakarta
  • Astra Honda Motor
  • Hyundai
  • Wuling
  • Realme
  • Acer
  • Sido Muncul
  • Ajinomoto
  • Mead Johnson Nutrition
  • Frisian Flag
  • Bank BTPN
  • Kredivo
  • OVO
  • Anteraja
  • Abbott
  • Telkom Indonesia
  • Telkomsel
  • Indihome

Implementation of Media Monitoring Using Tools from dataxet:sonar

Implementation of Media Monitoring Using Tools from dataxet sonar

With the Integrated Intelligence Platform, dataxet:sonar can help your company compete at scale and high speed with its best media monitoring features as follows:

  1. Social Listening
    This feature can monitor and analyze market sentiment, trends and developments that occur in your business industry. With this feature, you can collect and sort valuable insights that you have obtained from social and digital media across various channels. It allows you to get a complete picture of your company’s position in real-time.
  2. Sentiment Analysis
    With this feature, you can track viral trends, both positive and negative, related to your company, product or service. In addition, with this feature you can also find out which products or services provide satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your business customers.
  3. Competitive Analysis
    This feature can provide information in the form of any campaigns being run by your business competitors and which campaigns are successful and which are not. With this important information, you will find the right benchmark of your company’s performance.
  4. Marketplace Analysis
    With this feature, you can find out where your business stands among other similar businesses based on social media footprints and market sentiment. In this feature, you can find 12 main businesses playing in your industry as well as find out where your company is currently.
  5. Influencer Performance
    This feature can find and analyze campaigns run by your business and your competitors through important data such as growth in the number of followers, engagement, organic content vs endorsements, and others.

In conclusion, digital media monitoring has now become a vital tool for organizations or companies to stay on top of their online reputation, track business competitors, and gain valuable insights related to their business.

Dataxet:sonar is one of media monitoring Indonesia platforms that has more than 7 years of experience and has been trusted by dozens of large companies in Indonesia to remain at the top of the industry. Want to be on top in your business industry? Contact us immediately to get the best service. Get the demo today.

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